Wednesday 2 July 2014

Ciao Londra, Ciao Roma!

I promise I will try to make this blog have more substance than style and not just be pages of endless pictures, but I feel I ought to have at least one gushy post in which I try and show the never-ending charm and beauty of Rome -  which for me is an undeniable fact and one of the main reasons why I have always wanted to move here. Every street you turn down in this city seems more gorgeous than the last, and although some might say that this feeling won't stay forever, its an impression which I honestly don't think will ever leave me. Everyone knows the famous tourist spots in Rome, but here are few of my favourite parts with which visitors to Rome might not be so familiar (plus a few of the usual suspects):

The dome of San Pietro from Villa Borghese

Bubbles in Piazza del Popolo

The Tiber

Pasta, Gnocchi, Fruit & Vegetables near Piazza Risorgimento

Isola Tiberina - once home to the ancient temple of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine and healing, it is now fittingly home to a hospital

Tiber by night, alongside summer bars and market stalls which spring up every July and August

Mirrored floor of the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna

Restaurant in Trastevere with a strict policy on tourist menus

Graffiti in Trastevere

Henry in Rome

Mouth watering Pizza's in Trastevere


Roman Forum

Largo di Torre Argentina -  once held four temples and Pompey's Theatre, now a home and playground for the stray cats of Rome


View of San Pietro again, this time from Rome's Botanical Gardens

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